Factory-X (Work in Progress)

Data ecosystem Description

Factory-X is the data ecosystem for factory outfitters and operators. The project goals are:

- provide the best production facilities, that allow factory operators to build the best products for their customers

- build on existing experiences, technologies and solutions from Catena-X and other initiatives, enhance and extend them in such a way that they meet th e requirements of factory outfitters and operators

- build (pre-develop) new data driven solutions and services especially for factory operators, Factory outfitters and their suppliers


Machinery & Equipment



Integrated Toolchains and Collaborative Engineering

- Need for improved engineering collaboration by seamless integrated and interoperable engineering tool chains.

- Standardized engineering tool integration & solutions for engineering automation

Solution approach:
- Data continuity in the whole supply chain based on standards
- Data continuity in the customer-supplier-relationship based on standards
- Seamless integration of data in ERP, PLM, CAx, and simulation models for virtual commissioning

Benefit for user:
- Increase productivity by automated data exchanges
- Increase output by shorter engineering times


SAP Integrated Product Development
SAP's cloud based PLM solution

Information Update and Change Service

- Transparency and consistency regarding updates of information and software

- Solutions for automated and reliable update services and common device management

Solution approach:
- Information on product and machine lifecycle
- Standardized information and automated processes for software updates of products and machines

Benefit for user:
- Consideration of many products from a high number of different suppliers and machine builders
- Software update processes will be automated
- Support for regulations like the “EU Cyber Resilience Act”


SAP Business Network for Asset Collaboration
SAP's cloud based application for collaborative asset management
Eclipse SLM

Collaborative Information Logistics

- Lack on standards for exchanging asset information across companies

- Solutions for interoperable information provision services

- Solutions for automated and reliable update services and common device management

Solution approach:
- Exchange of information about assets using standardized b2b interfaces​
- Based on existing standards a scalable solution is specified and implemented by software providers

Benefit for user:
- Avoid high efforts in handling information of assets (search, digitize, tag, split, etc.)​
- Get access to specific information for assets on serial number level


SAP Business Network for Asset Collaboration
SAP's cloud based application for collaborative asset management

Condition Monitoring led Services

- Current condition monitoring and related services cannot realize their full potential due to data sharing and analysis hurdles

- Improve processes and services, while keeping data sovereignty and cost control

Solution approach:
- Sharing and fully leveraging data and expertise in a collaborative way to gain new valuable insights an open up an era of new and optimized services

Benefit for user:
- Availability of new outcome-based services to improve machine availability and maintenance costs​
- Condition and process data can be shared and fully leveraged, while retaining full data sovereignty

Modular Production

- Simplify production set-up and control

- Solutions for self-describing machines and decentralized production process control

Solution approach:
- Machines and modules provide a semantic self-description including available skills​
- Decentral production control that ensures an optimized orchestration of process steps and (re-)scheduling

Benefit for user:
- Fast adaption of production resources to new requirements or changes / faults in the production process​
- Ensures flexibility and adaptability of production resources to increase resilience and competitiveness


SAP Digital Manufacturing
SAP's cloud based MES solution

Manufacturing as a Service - On Demand Manufacturing

- Enable small and medium enterprises being part of digital marketplaces

- Digitalization and automation of bidding and order execution processes for manufacturing as a service​

Solution approach:
- Automatic capacity and cost analysis ​
- Matchmaking for manufacturing supply and demand​
- Quality data models and control​
- Shopfloor connectivity and interoperability based on standards

Benefit for user:
- Effort reduction in bidding process​
- New business potentials

Autonomous Operation as a Service

- Need for methods & tools for autonomous operation of machines & factories

- Solutions for smart remote monitoring and operations

Solution approach:
- Autonomous Operation-as-a-Service addresses the optimal operation of machines and factories without the need for the physical presence of skilled personnel on site

Benefit for user:
- Perform on-demand production shifts remotely​
- Automate and assist machine interactions using sensors data & AI


- Traceability of data within a factory and across the supply chain

- Solutions for management of history and usage of material, parts and products

Solution approach:
- Enable the traceability and lifelong documentation of product data​
- Integrate information when, where and how a product was manufactured ​(temp., torque, pressure, location, etc.)​
- Use BoM as planned, build, maintained

Benefit for user:
- Full transparency about the origin and use of parts for all participants in the value chain

Energy Consumption and Load Management

- Reduction of energy consumption and energy costs

- Solutions for detailed energy monitoring, energy saving features and an optimized energy and load management

Solution approach (Energy-Consumption):
- Integration of software components for energy data acquisition, using (soft) sensors and controller functions​
- Digital twin for energy demand break down

Benefit for user (Energy-Consumption):
- Contribute to sustainability goals by actively managing and reducing energy consumption​
- Enhance competitiveness by reducing energy costs and improving overall operational efficiency

Solution approach (Load Management):
- Providing software applications for monitoring and forecasting energy consumption and peak loads​
- Enabling new business models by offering industrial energy flexibility to balancing group operators and grid operators

Benefit for user (Load Management):
- Provide energy forecast for manufacturing​
- Enhance competitiveness by reducing energy costs and avoiding peak loads


IEC 62541
Unified Architecture
IEC 63278-1
Asset Administration Shell for industrial applications
IEC 40001
OPC UA for Machinery
IEC 40501-1
OPC UA for Machine Tools - Machine Monitoring and Job Overview
IEC 34100
OPC UA for Energy Consumption
IEC 40530
OPC UA for Laser Systems

Carbon Footprint Management

- Reduce CO2-footprint and become CO2-neutral

- Solutions for CO2-transparancy along entire supply chain

Solution approach:
- Examination of the entire supply chain for CO2 reduction​
- Inclusion of emissions in production and product life cycle

Benefit for user:
- Ensuring compliance with CO2 reporting regulations​
- Meeting the increasing regulatory standards​
- Contribution to achieving sustainability goals​
- Strengthening the brand image as an environmentally conscious supplier

Circular Economy

- Use full product transparency to transfer industrial products to second life

- Solutions for assessing remanufacturing, refurbishment & recycling measures

Solution approach:
- APPs realize the “R” business content for all companies (Refurbishing, Re-manufacture, Re-cycling) of components and machines​
- Efficient automated “R” data generation regarding remaining life-time data

Benefit for user:
- Useful product transparency to transfer industrial products to second life​
- Enabling of “R” business models


ISO 59004
Vocabulary, principles and guidance for implementation
ISO 59010
Guidance on the transition of business models and value networks
ISO 59020
Measuring and assessing circularity performance
ISO 59040
Product Circularity Data Sheet
ISO 59014
Sustainability and traceability of secondary materials recovery – Principles, Requirements and guidance
IEC 63278


This Usecase is only a connecting point for all capabilities and other data ojects


Digital Product Passport
Digital Twin
Energetic Digital Twin (eDT-X)
Load Management
Provide structured asset information
Asset information are available at providers and users. With this capability we now have the ability to put them in a common and uniform container.


Asset Administration Shell
The aim of this standard is to define the structure and the access of the Administration Shell to enable the meaningful exchange of information about assets and I4.0 components between partners in a value creation network.

In the standard, objects and classes are described in UML and descriptions.


Test Technology
AAS Schema in JSON
AAS schema in XML


FX Composition & Discovery Service
FX Access & Usage Control Service
FX Gate Service
FX Converter Service
FX Adapter Service
AAS Submodel Template Repository
The AAS submodel template repository provides the possibility to import AAS submodel templates in an automated way into various IT systems.
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